Wednesday, November 20, 2019

index poster analysis
2.mise en scence blog task

4.mise e scence video feedback

5.    sound blog task                                                                                               

6.parallel and contrapuntal

Monday, November 18, 2019

cinematography blog task

[1 2 and 3.].In this opening scene a lot of closeups are incorporated such as the closeup of the 4 girls faces to signify their facial impressions to give the audience a clearer image of their reaction to Wildens death.The background is faded to outline the image of the 4 girls to signify their importance in the series which makes the audience focus on them. The camera zooms in on the church doors to create suspense to intrigue the audience and may make the audience want the camera to reveal the dead body inside. Long shots are used to when the girls are walking away to create more of an effect and a dramatic exit.The medium closeups indicate that the setting has small space and is a dull setting that isn't usually extravaganised with long shots to show the whole landscape.

Emilia Clarke in Game of Thrones (2011)
3.In this TV still , Danereys Taegryn is sitting on a rock looking into outer space and looks like she is in a deep space of thought. There is a closeup of her face to outline her features and make her facial expressions more prominent to the narrative. There is a small nose bridge indicating that there is small space and could indicate that it she is an introvert.

In this TV still , the camera does a closeup of the man in front signifying his importance and long shot is used to show the wide landscape of the rest of the characters and the setting. An establishing shot is used to build ambiance and may be indicating the plot of the media text is upcoming which creates suspense.

Rami Malek in Mr. Robot (2015)

In this tv still , medium closeup is used to outline the distraught expression of the man. The medium closeup also shows the landscape of the setting to alert the audience of where this is taking place. A close shot is is used so the characters emotions and facial features can dictate the text and so the audience can form a personal connection to the character through the close shot of the emotions presented on the characters face.
Image result for tv stills

Sunday, November 17, 2019

cinematography learner response and feedback

1.Teachers Feedback; Shadow of ca,era operator in shot which is huge error to avoid in future.No editing just one shot although this did end up covering a range of shot types.No real indication you ave read or met the brief here only 30 seconds , no labelling and no understanding of cinematography shown. This is a wake up call before taking on coursework.

2.students feedback; www-good closeups Ebi- label shots

www-clear visual shot   EBI-too short include other camera shots and angles.

www-good closeups. EBI- there weren't any cuts
www-creative Ebi -label shots use more than one clip.

www-good shots
ebi- more variety EBI

could use more than one shot
could label shots
could edit  better

used good landscape
good variety of shots
good use of camera angles

4.I learnt that I should use more than one clip and edit it better. I understand the significance of meeting the brief and would like to widen my knowledge of different shots such as the crane shot which I was confused by

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

practical task

At the beginning of this video I used a long shot to show the wider scale of my garden to create a clearer image. As I got closer to the greenery I used a dolly shot to guide the audience throughout the different shots. I then extended the camera and used medium and closeup shots to prevent shocking the audience and make it easier to to guess what will happen next in the scence. I used the long shot in the beginning to create suspense and tension since the wide scale showed the dark atmosphere. The closeup of the plants outlines their details and features which is more effective and prevents the audience from seeing what else is happening in the scene which creates a sense of mystery.

sound blog task

1. Funny games-The director uses opera music which comes under the classic genre of music which could indicate that they are a graceful and traditional family who are quite intact with their old school side. Opera is usually used to calm anxiety and worries which may hint that there will be some conflict that will interfere with this peace of mind.

A clockwork orange- In this contrapuntal sound is used since music of the classical genre is used for a brutal and violent scene which is unusual. The director purposely used classical music to the brutal scene to create comedic effect and drive the audiences attention away from the bloodshed taking place which makes it less horrific.

Life on Mars- In life on mars old school sci fi music is used to establish that this is set in the past era which juxtaposes with the actors knowledge of present state affairs which indicates there is an essence of time travel. Non diegetic sound is used to surprise the audience and create a comedic effect.

Once upon a time in the West- Diegetic sound is used to block out all other sounds to get the focus of the audience and may signify an important part in the narrative. The repetitive buzzing sound builds up tension and suspense of what the next part of the narrative has to bring. There is a sound bridge is when  you can hear the footsteps of the actor in the scene of the actor in the rocking chair.

Once upon a time in America-The ringing sound is diegetic and the music in the background is non diegetic. The ringing sound of the telephone creates a sound bridge over to the scene of the dead bodies which interlinks the sick man in the nursing home and the dead bodies since they both go under the category of tragedies.

2. In this scene the sound is contrapuntal since upbeat and happy music is used although the actors setting is a funeral and are clearly in despair after their confrontation with the police officer. A sound bridge is used when the music carries on when the camera takes shots of the church. The ringing sound of the telephone is diegetic which is used to drag the focus of the audience away from other sounds and the single ringing sound above the silence creates suspense and tension.
