3.In this TV still , Danereys Taegryn is sitting on a rock looking into outer space and looks like she is in a deep space of thought. There is a closeup of her face to outline her features and make her facial expressions more prominent to the narrative. There is a small nose bridge indicating that there is small space and could indicate that it she is an introvert.
In this TV still , the camera does a closeup of the man in front signifying his importance and long shot is used to show the wide landscape of the rest of the characters and the setting. An establishing shot is used to build ambiance and may be indicating the plot of the media text is upcoming which creates suspense.
In this tv still , medium closeup is used to outline the distraught expression of the man. The medium closeup also shows the landscape of the setting to alert the audience of where this is taking place. A close shot is is used so the characters emotions and facial features can dictate the text and so the audience can form a personal connection to the character through the close shot of the emotions presented on the characters face.
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