Thursday, January 16, 2020

British film industry factsheets

1.The people producing the film, the cast and the people funding the movie have to be British.

2. The introduction context of American films tend to have low budgets, character rather than spectacle driven stories and a heavier reliance on word of mouth and viral advertising however the British film production context does not have as many clearly defined characteristics.

3.The 1960s

4.The British film industry in the 1970s was dominated by the subject of censorship that continued into the video nasties banning of the 1980s. The 1980s also saw a dramatic decline in American investment in British Films that did not increase again until the 1990s.

5.Youth are often represented in British films and examples of these films they are represented in is a clockwork orange which is produced by Warner bros and an Eden lake.

6.The actors in British films seem to appeal to the audience because the actors are identifiable as British and will therefore be associated with a particular Genre . British locations are also really appealing to the audience since London has had arise in popularity.


1. The film has to be produced according to one of the UK official bilateral co-production theories,be produced as part of the Europe convention on cinematographic Co-production and pass the cultural test.

2. Sweeney has 31 points
Attack the block-27 points
The kings speech-28
we need to talk about Kevin-7 points
sky fall-27 points

3.The British film has been  more production led than distribution led which leads one sold from revenue all profits are lost.

4. The strength of British film is the outstanding creative skills of practitioners and its outstanding facilities.

5. First option is that British filmmakers could choose to rely upon co-productions with American studios to keep the industry afloat and the second option is that to attempt to make low budget films targeted at a niche, British audience.

6. I think that relying solely upon american studious is risky since the British become too dependent on the success of their films on a country that is not experienced in the British culture and this may give them the control to change British films so much that they wont pass the culture test resulting in a loss of productions therefore i believe that making low budget films targeted at a British audience is the safer option because the British producers will have more choice in the matter.